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One on ones

Managing 1-1 notes

If you're a manager, you may have many 1-1s with your reports.

Stashpad can help you keep track of notes for your reports in an organized way.

Create a stash for each report (Alice, Bob, etc...). Select the stash and hit P to pin it to your left sidebar for easy access.

Throughout the week, you can access the stash for your report quickly and jot down ideas you'd like to bring up as they come to you.

Then, when it's time for your 1-1, you have all of your notes in one place.

One on one notes in stashpad

To reduce time spent context-switching, you can jot down notes for a report without navigating to the report. Just type in the textbox at the bottom. Then hit cmd / ctrl D to select a different destination.

You can highlight or de-emphasize any action items using colors ( L ), Mark as done ( X ) or markdown formatting.

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