Quick Start

The Stashpad experience


You shouldn't need to learn a bunch of new concepts to get started.


Stashpad feels instantaneous. All actions are easily accessible via a command palette. You should be able to do just about everything via the keyboard.

Markdown formatting

Markdown enables you to be in full control of your text.


How you structure your hierarchy of notes is up to you. If you don't like a keyboard shortcut, you can change it.

Effortless collaboration

Sharing notes and live-collaborating on them in real-time is easy and painless.

Notes & Stashes


To create your first note, hit space to bring focus to the text box at the bottom of the screen. Then type some text and hit enter.

Create notes in Stashpad


Stashes are notes that contain a list of other notes. Create your first stash by selecting a note and using to navigate in.  Add a new note and hit enter.

Create stashes in Stashpad


The command palette

The command palette offers a searchable list of actions that are available in your current context.

To open the command palette, hit cmd / ctrl k. You can then select a command with / or click on it.

The command palette also displays the currently assigned shortcut for each action. Once you've learned a shortcut for an action, you can then perform that action directly via the shortcut without opening up the command palette.

You can customize your shortcuts by visiting the info panel. Click on the info button in the top right corner of the app, or hit ?.

Selecting a note

To select a note, use /   or click it with your mouse.

Selected notes will have a gold border.

You can select multiple notes by holding down cmd or ctrl when you click on notes, or by holding down shift as you hit / .

Once you've selected notes, actions you perform via the command palette or via keyboard shortcut will act on those selected notes.

Working memory

Make your Work

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